Conn Breathnach 💻
Conn Breathnach

Software Engineer, Researcher

About Me

I am a software engineer with a Master’s in Computer Science from Trinity College Dublin. My current research interests include neural theorem proving, reinforcement learning, multi-armed bandits and machine learning for mathematical and scientific discoveries. This mainly focuses on automated theorem proving and algorithm generation.

My background is in computer science and I have previously worked as a researcher in the ADAPT Centre in Trinity College Dublin where my work focused on user modelling for education, graph neural networks, and explainable AI. Alongside these subjects, I have experience in robotics, low-level optimization, and software engineering for high frequency trading. I currently work as a software engineer at Stripe where I work on the authentication team

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  • Machine Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Automated Theorem Proving
  • MSc Computer Science

    Trinity College Dublin

  • BA (hons) Computer Science

    Trinity College Dublin

📚 My Research

I am deeply interested in researching reinforcement learning methods for planning and optimizaton, with a passion for improving the mathematical capabilities of machine learning models, primarily through the intersection of language models and reinforcement learning.

I have previously worked as a student researcher on HCI for robotics and robotics teleoperation at the . While a student I led the reinforcement learning team at in the autonomous department at , where I organized workshops and led research into RL for autonomous racing vehicles.

I spent 8 months as a student researcher at the under the supervision of Professor Vincent Wade, where I worked on machine learning for curriculum design in education. My Master’s thesis focused on RL for guiding LLMs in the field of automated theorem proving, using the Lean language as a kernel for proving theorems. This work led to improvements in search efficiency over SOTA methods.

I currently work as a software engineer at

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